Khamis, 17 November 2011

~ Children should memorize the Qur’an ~

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ..

  1. Memorizing the Holy Qur’an creates strength in the child’s intellectual skills.
  2. The child and it’s parents, moreover the whole lineage is graced by honour and diginity.
  3. Eternal salvation from poorness and hunger gained through the removing the shortness of sustenance. (content of a Hadith)
  4. Parents will be given a crown on the Day of Judgement, whichs light will be more than that of the sun.
  5. Through the blessings of memorizing the Qur’an one is protected from going astray and wrong beliefs.
  6. The whole life will become ‘Ibaadah when one recites  in every situation some or other verses, because one has memorized the Holy Qur’an.
  7. Through the blessings of the Holy Qur’an one is to a large extentprotected from a life of game and play [Lahw wa La'ab].
  8. By the intercession of a Hafiz 10 persons from his family are granted salvation. (provided that they are Muslims)
  9. Allah Ta’ala appoints angels for the protection of a Hafiz-e-Qur’an.
  10. A Hafiz will be granted the highest place of Jannah which he likes for himself.
Let your children by all means memorize the Holy Qur’an. A Hafiz child easily progresses in worldly education and the exams of the fifth grade become easy, too.
[by Hadhrat Maulana Musharraf Ali Thanvi]

Muslimah ..

~ Video ~

Adik Darwisyah [MALAYSIA]


:: Keindahan Cinta ::

Riuh... ramai... gaduh... dan penuh kegembiraan
Taman hati berwarna warni
Panggung rumah paru-paru berdiri kokoh
Kolam cinta mengalir indah keawan kasih

Badan terasa sejuk...
Segar tak terkirakan
Rumput selaput nadi bergoyang lembut
Di tiup angin cinta sejati

Burung camar jantung menukik pelan
Hinggap di pohon tulang iga putih
Matanya melihat kearah taman hati
Pandangannya terpesona oleh pemandangan cantik

Bidadari cinta dan pangeran kasih sayang
Bersenda gurau diangan yang tinggi 
Hati pun gembira...
Jiwa pun lega...

Ya Allah...
Abadikan keadaan ini
Agar menjadi pedoman
Bagi hati yang saling menyatu

Mentari sanubari tersenyum riang
Alam jiwa bergembira ria
Jiwa0jiwa riang berdansa di sekitar taman hati
Indahnya fantasi cinta